Tuesday, June 25, 2013

To Get Sleep Naturally

 1) Take some red onion, to that add some ghee and just shallow fry it.Have this during night before going to bed.This will get you into deep sleep.

2) smash an onion and just smell it, this will also get you a deep sleep.

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Friday, June 7, 2013

Root out mosquitoes Naturally

Mosquitoes are small flies that sucks blood from all living vertebrates, and some of the arguments states that they are the most dangerous animal.We all know some of the diseases spread through mosquitoes.For eg. Malaria, yellow fever etc. Only female mosquitoes sucks the blood, but i don't know much about the job of male mosquitoes.They lay their eggs in the water.

They are really an annoying static music directors, which produces sound near our ears.You might have experienced it mostly during power cuts and summer season. OK, now I'll tell you how we are going to act as battler in the war field using natural techniques as our weapons to eradicate mosquitoes,which are our true attacker.

Techniques to root out mosquitoes naturally

Using Mango flower

1. Collect some Mango flowers and store it. Whenever you feel that mosquitoes are freezing you and if you think that you are stand in need of some course of action to kill those mosquitoes,immediately flash on that you have some mango flowers stored.Take those flowers and smoke it in the fire, then spread those smoke inside your place, then all the mosquitoes will move out because it doesn't like the smell.You Know, really it is not harmful to human beings,animals or plants.
Definitely everyone ll be happy if they get something free for purchasing something, why i'm telling this is because it also rid of insects.
Mango Flower
Using neem oil

2. Lighten your lamp with Neem oil filled in it.If you do this all the mosquitoes will move away from that place.
Neem oil

This might be very much useful for the women who used to put kolam early morning, because at that time only all the mosquitoes will be attacking. If you have this lamp near by you while you put rangoli or kolam, then no mosquitoes will come near you,you can do your work happily.

Using Fish

3.Nest i'm going to tell about interesting mosquito's predator.And that is a fish,but it is harmful for wildlife.And you know its name is also mosquito fish or Gambusia affinis. They are small comparative to other fish,because the diet of the fish consists of large amount of mosquito larvae.
If you have this fish, nearby pond or some static water area, it just cleans away all those mosquito's larvae,which would definitely reduces the population of the mosquitoes.

Mosquito fish going to catch mosquito's larvae 
You can order this fish online


Note: Mosquito fish is harmful to other natural habitat, hence it should be used only to your own property 

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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Increase your memory power using herbs

Hurrah!! gotta solution for memory loss,do you think any side effects will come? ahaa na not at all.
Should i do any meditation or some brain exercises ?hehehe.. no! I can catch your mind voice.. now you ll be thinking what else should i do to increase my memory power.

Very simple you should have some herbs regularly which is the magical tool going to increase your memory power.

Herbs to increase memory power

  1.  Vallarai (Indian Penny Wort )                                                              
  2.  Acorus calamus
  3.  Kilanelli
  4.  Tinospora cordifolia
  5.  pepper
  6.  pea eggplant
  7.  Piper longum or long pepper
  8.  gall-nut   
If you use any one of these herbs regularly, then definitely your memory power ll increase. Then you can remember everything.It is very much helpful for the students who are preparing for the exam. While preparing for the exam, you might feel some part of the topic is difficult and obviously you'll be thinking that i shouldn't forget it,fate works out there.. suitably you'll forget that part alone and again fate plays a game there in exam.. the same topic appears in the exam.Also you might have forgotten your parents,friends,etc.,  birthdays or some spl. day and for that you'll be having words or yourself might be feeling for forgetting it. Oh no! haha.. to avoid this you can have any of those herbs.   
"God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December" -James Matthew Barrie

 It increases your memory power.You can have this by making it as a chutney and can eat as a side dish or as a juice. Also pregnant person can have this to increase baby's memory power.(INDIAN PENNY WORT)

 Acorus calamus

Acorus calamus turn on splendid aroma and that spruce up's the brain and nervous system. 

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Natural home made remedy for scars

Mostly in our small age we would have got more scars while playing, and after growing up you ll  be feeling for it much because it affects your beauty.

And I'm going to tell you a remedy for disappearance of those scars naturally .

Can we make this at home? Yes! It can be easily made at home.

Does this have any side effect ? The only answer is NO.

What all do i need to make this ?

1.Turmeric 2.Ocher soil  3.Ivory 4.Honey

How to use it ?

Collect the powders from turmeric, ocher soil and ivory. Mix those powders to the honey, grind well. Apply this to your scar regularly. Definitely you will be surprised to see that your scar got disappeared.

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How To Make Herbal Tooth Powder At Home

      We, human beings always love to taste different varieties of food. Definitely, many would like to eat chocolates, cakes, chips etc. But, your teeth wont be supporting. You might think, what i'm trying to tell... 

Yes!! I have a solution for all kinds of tooth problem. And the solution is.... here we go.. Herbal Tooth Powder, for all kinds of tooth problems.

OK!! Now the question is where to get this powder ? No worries, you can easily prepare it at your home.

Ingredients to make herbal tooth powder at home.

1. Pepper

2. Clove
3. Camphor
4. Salt

Powder all these ingredients and brush your teeth with this powder, morning and before going to bed, clean your mouth with warm water. Follow this regularly to avoid all kinds of tooth problem.

Note : This works out only for the persons who brushes regularly.

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

skin care techniques


Lemon juice                         -  1 ounce . 
Glycerin                               -  1 ounce.
Hydrogen peroxide              -  1 ounce.
Water                                   -  1 ounce.

Method :
Apply this solution lightly to your face and neck, before going to bed.Later in the morning wash your face with Glycerin soap. If u do this daily, then your face will glitter and will look brighter.


How to make Skin bleach using chemicals?

 lemon juice


Note : It varies for different skins. Please try it by applying this solution to the foot or backhand.
All the Best !

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Today!! 29th May, 2013 gonna be a historical day of the future.

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